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March 14 was “Learn about Butterflies Day,” and this is my first year of discovering the importance of these pollinators in relationship to food security. I honestly have been living in the big city, most of my adult life, which has caused a separation between myself and the natural processe…

I’m a resident of Lincoln but have seen samples of pages from books housed in your library that are way beyond the parameters of decency. To make such material available to children and teens should be the decision of parents in the family, and with great thought about purpose and possible c…

As a veteran educator, I have had the pleasure of teaching a few thousand students. Regardless of the subject, I have often found myself teaching social skills. These include “following instructions,” “disagreeing appropriately,” and “getting an adult’s attention,” among many others. However…


Once again the six councilmen (James Vaughan, Sally Ganam, Lori Lathrop, Dev Sookram, Tad Dinkins and Mark Jensen himself) have denied another councilman’s ability to discuss a matter that concerns the citizens of Fremont.

I have not been attending city council meetings due to an injury so my knowledge is not first hand. I would also have to say it’s not gossip as it is reported in the Fremont Tribune and my husband attends those meetings passing along firsthand knowledge of the conduct reported in the Tribune.

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